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REIKI PACKAGES - 10 sessions

Available In-person & Online in VC

45 min
250 US dollars

Service Description

I am so grateful myself on building deep long-lasting healing relationships with my clients. I have so many who receive Reiki weekly, bi-weekly and monthly, so I have created these Reiki Packages, so we can go together on a journey of deep healing. ~I understand that the more intensely deep the wound is that you are carrying around, the more imperative it is that we work regularly with Reiki to finally break you free of the blockages these wounds are causing in your life. ~Reiki works best when received on a regular basis. It is not the one-hit-wonder of healing modalities…the healing goes deeper and deeper as you receive it more regularly. ~Older trauma however takes longer to clear. Hence we have a 10 session combo package which becomes cost effective for both. ~Just like when doctors prescribe medicine to their patients, there is always a course of the pills to take, you never take just one. The same is true for Reiki, except the side effects of Reiki are so much more enjoyable than prescription medications! ~You will be feeling lighter, more empowered, peaceful and have a much easier time getting to sleep. The following are the packages I offer for those who take their healing seriously, and make self care a priority in their life. ~​We can customize the days & dates together. In these sessions : (A)Within this package, we work together twice a week to combat any illness, stress or depression you may be feeling due to your deep inner wounds that we all have as humans on this earth. (B)We will see how you are doing with the ever-changing energies around you and work on whatever is holding you back(our human blockages) from the peace, power, and love that is yours to receive. (C)Work on raising our vibrational frequencies. (D)Balance & align our Chakra system. (E)Aura cleansing , protecting & charging. (F)We will go together on a journey of clearing out any old self-limiting beliefs and thoughts of yourself, love, abundance and spirituality and replace them with soul-expanding wisdom of love, power and owning your magic within life.With the 1st , 5th & 10th session we have a small talk session post the healing for around 30 mins to work on your mental blocks. (G)Some practices will be given to you to be done on your own consistently to see significant improvements. (on your mail) Note : 1)Please drop a message with you name & booking code with your request for alteration of time slots. 2)Make sure to read the policies of AARAK.

Contact Details


Uttarakhand, India

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