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Book a Crystal Healing Session Today


45 min
35 US dollars
IN|Rishikesh , Uttarakhand

Service Description

>A crystal healing session, you’ll experience the gentle energy and vibrations of crystals, promoting balance and harmony within your mind, body, and spirit. It can help release energetic blockages. >Because human beings are natural “resonators,” a.k.a. energy fields that constantly connect to frequencies (in the form of experiences, emotions, stories, etc.) around us like radio dials. Our very cells, neurons, and tissues are crystalline structures, perpetually sending and receiving frequencies — much like the quartz crystals powering our phones and computers. >Since the human body is a series of energy system , crystals are devices for adjusting and balancing these systems. It is a known fact that crystals and gem stones have some sort of healing properties. >Over the years our energy field becomes clogged with frequencies and information that are no longer useful to us, keeping us stuck in unwanted negative cycles without quite knowing why. This drowns out our own underlying original and “transparent” inner connection and guidance, making it difficult for us to change, connect to our purpose, or heal. >When we use crystals to balance and neutralize the charges in our frequencies, we open ourselves to receiving new information, inner guidance, and connection to the source of all that is: infinite love & unity. >Crystals channelize the energy into the right direction and encourage positivity. >Crystals function as transformers and amplifiers of various energies into biological energies that rebalance and re-energize our bio-logical system on a cellular level, as well as on our mental , emotional and spiritual levels. This is where crystals come in. Not as the magic potion, but as the tool that clears out the old data stored in our resonant energy body, and takes us from cloudy to clear, or “transparent,” in order to resonate with our greatest potential.

Contact Details

  • Uttarakhand, India


  • Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India


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