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Reiki Master/Teacher Level

Becoming a beacon of this divine energy

7 days , 2 hours a day

Why Reiki Level III ?  The Embodiment

The final stage in this trinity of learning, the Master or Teacher level, is where one fully embodies the essence of Reiki. It’s not just about personal healing or helping others; it’s about becoming a beacon of this divine energy. At this pinnacle, practitioners are equipped with the knowledge and skills to attune others to Reiki, passing on the legacy and spreading the light of healing to a broader audience.

In a nutshell, the three levels of Reiki offer a structured, progressive path to spiritual and healing mastery. From personal awakening to becoming a torchbearer of this ancient art, the journey is transformative, fulfilling, and profoundly enlightening.

Included in this course:

  • Reiki Attunement and Initiation.

  • Reiki Level 3 Certificate.

  • Reiki Manual.

  • Access to our Whatsapp Reiki Community.

  • Revision of Reiki 1 & 2

  • The Importance Of Level 3 , What Happens At Reiki Level 3

  • Introduction to reiki level 3 symbols - Dai Ko Myo or the Master Symbol & Raku Symbol (Meaning & various uses) , Reiki Symbol Meditation

  • Animal Reiki Techniques

  • Role of each chakra in our life

  • Relationship Between the 7 Chakras and the Endocrine System

  • Introduction to crystal healing - Reiki & crystals , How crystals work for us? , Cleansing & Charging Techniques 

  • Reiki Teaching Methodology - Reiki Attunements & Methodology 

  • Preparing for Reiki Attunement & the Procedure

  • Reiki Symbol Meditation

  • Additional non-traditional Reiki symbols (Zonar Symbol , Harth Symbol , Fire Dragon Symbol , Johre Symbol , Motor Zanon Symbol , Rama , Ren So Mai Symbol , Halu Symbol , Shanti 

  • White Light Meditation 

  • Jai Reiki & Cancel Cancel

  • The Candle Process


Whatsapp : 7501784263

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