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Healing Stones Used To Strengthen and Cleanse Your Aura

Updated: Jan 24

We’re here to explore the meaning behind the aura, and the best crystals to work with to make sure that your aura is protected from negative, or toxic, external energy. If you’re ready to learn more about this mystery, keep reading!

What Is an Aura?

When someone references an "aura," they're talking about the unseen energy field (electromagnetic) that surrounds all living things.

It's not always possible to see aura colors with the naked eye, we can usually feel them.

Think about how certain people give off a super warm and friendly vibe (or really negative energy) even before they say a word; that's the aura at work. There’s a good chance that the two of you shared a similar aura, that your energy was vibrating on a similar level. We are often drawn towards people with auras that match or complement our own. Conversely, you may have met people in your life that you just didn’t seem to get along with. Rather than wondering whether or not you’re being overly analytical, or even judgmental, consider that perhaps their aura is simply vibrating on a level that makes you uncomfortable.

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Human aura and the 7 chakras

Even scientists recognize that living beings contain energy, whether or not they agree with the traditional concept of the aura.

Einstein and later quantum physicists have explained that at an atomic level everything that exists in the universe is energy, vibrating and oscillating at different rates, and that physical matter and energy are just two forms of the same thing. Some of these energetic vibrations are very familiar to us, such as sound, light, radio waves, or X-rays. These are all part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and from a scientific perspective the only difference between these various forms of energy is that each oscillates at a different frequency or rate of vibration. The human body, and the energy field which surrounds and interpenetrates it, is also made up of electromagnetic energy, and every person has a unique vibrational energy signature, or frequency, in the same way as we all have unique fingerprints or DNA.

The Human Energy Body 

The physical body is something we all know about—we can see it and feel it—yet every cell within it is actually energy or light, vibrating at a slow enough rate to make it into visible physical matter. However, surrounding and interpenetrating our physical body is another body of energy made up of much finer, lighter, and higher vibrations, which is usually called the aura, the auric field, or the human energy body. This auric field is as much a part of you as your physical body—indeed your physical body is really just the densest inner layer of this flowing energy field. However, the higher frequencies of the energies that make up the aura mean it is harder to see with the naked eye, although it can be detected by some scientific equipment and a representation of the aura can also be photographed using a specially developed Kirlian camera.

In addition to the aura, our energy body contains some active energy centres known as chakras, and a range of energy channels flowing through the body called meridians and nadis. Perhaps the easiest way of understanding this is to think of the energy body in similar terms to your physical body. The aura is the energy equivalent of your whole physical body, the chakras correspond to your brain and major organs, and the meridians and nadis are similar to your veins and arteries, but instead of blood, they carry energy—Ki—all over the body.

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Our Enegy Body

The aura is a field of energy or light that completely surrounds the physical body above, below, and on all sides. It is made up of seven layers, with the inner layers closest to the physical body comprised of the densest energy, and each succeeding layer being of finer and higher vibrations. Most people have an oval (elliptical) aura, which is slightly larger at the back than at the front and fairly narrow at the sides, and it also stretches above the head and below the feet. Your aura is not always the same size, however, as it can expand or contract depending upon a variety of factors such as how healthy you are, how you are feeling emotionally or psychologically at any given moment, or how comfortable you feel with the people in your immediate surroundings.

This aura is spiritual energy, or life-force, which is present around each of us from birth (and before birth, as the foetus develops) until around the time of our death. (Usually just before death only a narrow band of spiritual energy remains, linking all the chakras in the center of the body, and shortly after physical death, no aura can be detected, because the life-force no longer exists.) In a living person the outer edges and the individual layers of the aura can be detected using dowsing rods or a pendulum, and they can also be sensed with the hands. The densest layers, nearest the body, can also be seen with the naked eye by most people with a little practice, and some very psychic people can see the whole energy body quite clearly. Painters over the centuries have depicted the aura around the heads of angels, saints, and prophets as a bright golden halo, indicating their pure and spiritual energy.

What is Aura Cleansing?

Aura cleansing refers to purifying the energy field surrounding a person’s body, also known as the aura. Negative energy can become trapped in the aura, causing discomfort and blocking positive energy flow.

Aura cleansing is thought to help remove this negative energy, allowing for the free flow of positive energy and promoting overall well-being. You can do so through various techniques, such as smudging with herbs, visualization, sound therapy, and energy healing.

Those who practice aura cleansing often believe that it can help with a wide range of issues. It is thought to improve mental clarity, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance intuition, and promote feelings of peace and calm.

When Do You Need Aura Cleansing?

Everyone has an aura, and that’s a beautiful thing. It’s an energy system you can feel or experience around your body through an array of colors that correlate to the chakra network.

This energy field is thought to consist of layers, each representing a different aspect of a person’s spiritual state. You can think of it as a spiritual or emotional bubble surrounding your physical body.

Your aura is dynamic, often changing in response to your environment and how you feel. Luckily, you can easily feel through intuitive senses when something has clouded, stressed, or weakened your aura.

Negative energy can become trapped in the aura, causing discomfort and disrupting the flow of positive energy.

Does something in your space or around feel off? Are you not feeling quite like yourself? Have you soaked up other people’s anger, gloominess, or negativity? If yes, then you’re due for an aura cleansing.

Why Is Aura Cleansing Important?

Here are the top potential benefits of aura cleansing:

  • Improved physical health: Aura cleansing is thought to help remove negative energy from the body, allowing for the free flow of positive energy. It can promote physical well-being and help alleviate certain physical ailments.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Negative energy can cause feelings of stress and anxiety. By purifying the aura and allowing for the free flow of positive energy, aura cleansing can help to reduce these negative emotions.

  • Enhanced intuition: The aura is thought to be closely connected to a person’s intuitive abilities. By cleansing the aura, it is believed that one’s intuition can be enhanced, allowing for a deeper connection to your inner guidance.

  • Increased mental clarity: Negative energy can cloud the mind and cause confusion and mental fog. Aura cleansing can help to clear the mind, promoting mental clarity and focus.

  • Improved spiritual connection: The aura is thought to be closely connected to a person’s spiritual state. By purifying the aura, one is believed to improve their connection to their higher self and spiritual path.

Crystals that Will Help You Protect Your Aura

When healing your aura or dealing with any emotional or mental ailment, crystal healing is one of the most effective practices available. Crystals contain a natural energy, and each and every crystal holds a different vibration. Let’s take a look at some of the best crystals to work with when trying to protect the aura.

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Amber : aligns the subtle bodies with the physical body. Releases negative energy.

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Amethyst : heals holes in the aura, cleanses it, draws in divine energy to protect the aura.

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Pyrite : One of the most protective stones when it comes to the energetic field is pyrite, a stone that resonates with each chakra of the body.

When you spend time near pyrite, you can bet that not only are your chakras aligning, but your aura is also protected. 

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Bloodstones : cleanses the aura.

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Tiger's Eye :  not only provides a protective barrier between yourself and external negativity, it also motivates you to follow your dreams.

Working with golden tiger’s eye can help you find the answers and healing you seek. Wearing tiger’s eye is an effective and easy method to carry this energy with your throughout the day!

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Carnelian : repairs the aura.

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Citrine : cleanses and aligns the aura.

Quartz : cleanses, protects, and strengthens the aura. Seals auric tears.

Smoky Quartz : grounds energy and removes negative energy from the aura.

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Green Tourmaline : heals auric tears.

When it comes to taking care of your aura, it’s important that you follow your intuition. Your body may know more about what you need than your mind does. Listen to your instincts right now, which are deeply tied to the aura. If there are people in your life that separate you from who you feel belongs in your core, try to spend less time with these people.

Honor who you are. Honor your aura. And protect it whenever you can.

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What a lovely post. Worth the read.

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