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Everything on this Universe Is Energy

Updated: Aug 17

Even our Emotions have energy. And as we have emotions, we do have emotional blockages as well. All the negative emotions that we hold on affects our flow of energy, creating blockages which in turn manifests as pains, illnesses and diseases.

Reiki is based on the idea that our overall health and well being comes from the KI (vital life force) flowing through us and around us. KI is the reason why our physical bodies and organs functions in a healthy way.

And when the flow of KI inside our body is disrupted it adversely affects the body causing several blockages and illnesses.

KI responds to our thoughts and feelings , having positive thoughts helps KI to flow more freely and contribute to our holistic health. And just the opposite with negative thought patterns.

And energy healing can help us remove those blockages.

And every soul living can benefit from it. And just because there is not always a very scientific explanations to things , It doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or doesn’t exist. It is just as real , powerful and profound.

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