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What Is Energy Healing, How It Works And What To Expect

Updated: Aug 17

Energy medicine is an ancient and growing field of alternative healing that could effectively address the root causes of an issue and create long lasting results.

There are many chronic diseases and emotional disturbances that cannot be healed by conventional medicine. I often read & see clients who come to me after trying many different medication, medical interventions and therapist over years. I myself at a certain point of time on my life's journey have suffered from depression and in turn manifested chest pain , nervous disorder , lower back pain , shoulder tightness and so on. As I found healing , I was so enthralled by what I have experienced during my journey , I chose to dedicate myself in this field for now I have known human sufferings so much better.

Energy healing present a new potential to not only survive from an illness or life challenges but to thrive to become who your really are.

What Is Energy Healing?

Everything that exists on earth is made of atoms and each atom has a certain vibrational frequency that is in harmony within itself and with other atoms around it. This vibration creates an energetic field around every molecule in existence. When an atom is not vibrating in an optimal frequency, it becomes disharmonious and creates an imbalance in the energetic field. As humans we have our own energetic field that is called aura. Your aura is effected by your emotional state, your physical well-being and spiritual connection to a greater power, whatever that could be for you. Childhood trauma, feelings of hurt, resentment and anger towards parents or previous partner, grief and anxiety could greatly impact your energetic field and compromise your emotional, physical and mental health. Energy healing helps to bring your energetic field into a harmonious state where your body could naturally repair itself and your mind could expand beyond your thoughts.

How it works ?

It’s a complementary or alternative health approach.

Reiki does not directly cure diseases or illnesses. Instead, it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.

It follows the Principle of Self- Recovery -This principle refers to the natural innate ability within every living creature to heal itself and restores the body to its optimum self-healing capacity as we were created by the universe.

And The Principle of Life Force - The body’s natural healing ability can be accelerated by increasing the life force within by a very simple process of removing energy blockages in energy centers and normalizing the flow of energy.

How To make the most out of your First Healing Session?

All it takes for you to heal is an open heart, willingness to heal and open mind to experience something new.

– To prepare for your first healing session, make sure that you have a quiet space for 1 hr or 1.5 hr dedicated to your healing.

– The healing session is the time for you to relax and let go of the need to do things so come ready to surrender and receive.

– One of the main factors in making the best use of your healing session is to be open to the experience and allow your body to feel the energy. Come to your session with open mind and heart.

– Calm your mind and try not to block your experience by putting label on your experience and figuring things out while in the session. You will have time later to reflect and think about your experience.

– Feel free to ask questions, clarify the new terms and concepts you will hear and disagree with what doesn’t feel aligned with you. My main objective here is to empower you and find what works for you.

– Be present with your feelings and sensation in your body.

– Feel free to voice how you feel and any resistance that might come up during healing. This will give us a chance to work with the resistant energy and help you find a safe space that your body is more relax and receptive to the healing energy.

– Journaling after the session helps to remember the important messages and teachings that came through your healing session and to integrate this experience more fully into your body.

If you have any question don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always happy to connect.

If you feel drawn to healing , join us : Discover AARAK's Holistic Offerings in Rishikesh , India

With all my love ,


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