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Transformative Online Group Healing Sessions @ Rs 333 per session 
With Reiki Grandmaster Sanghamitra.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of deep healing and personal transformation?

Join our Online Group Healing Sessions led by Sanghamitra , who creates a serene and sacred space where clients can feel safe and supported. Her presence is calm, compassionate, and centered, guiding each session with intuition and deep respect for the individual’s unique path. Healing is a holistic process, and her approach is both gentle and powerful, aligning with the highest good of those she works with.

(Only 35 people per session) Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized experience for each participant. Click the link below to secure your spot in our upcoming session.

Why Choose Our Group Healing Sessions?

In our fast-paced world, stress, trauma, and emotional wounds can accumulate, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true selves. Our online group healing sessions offer a sacred space where you can release negative energy, restore balance, and reconnect with your inner peace—all from the comfort of your own home.

What to Expect in our Group Healing Sessions?

🔸Online group Reiki healing is a powerful & accessible way to experience the benefits of Reiki energy within a supportive community, regardless of physical location.

🔸The collective energy and intention in an online group can amplify the healing effects of Reiki. The combined focus of the group can create a powerful energetic field that enhances the individual healing experience.

🔸Whether you are seeking relaxation, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, online group Reiki can be a valuable tool on your healing journey.

🔸These group Reiki sessions will take place on Google Meet.

🔸The session will begin with a brief introduction by the Reiki Master.

🔸Participants may be asked to share their intentions for the session, such as what they hope to heal or release. Setting a collective intention helps to focus the energy and creates a unified purpose for the group. This will also allow participants to connect visually and audibly, creating a sense of community despite being in different locations.

🔸Then will start with a meditation or relaxation exercise to help participants enter a receptive state. This helps to calm the mind and open the energy channels, making it easier for the Reiki energy to flow.

🔸Participants are typically instructed to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close their eyes, and focus on their breath or the sensation of receiving energy.

🔸The practitioner will channel Reiki energy to the group as a whole, sometimes visualizing each participant individually or working with the group’s collective energy.

🔸After the Reiki transmission, the session usually concludes with a period of reflection or sharing.

🔸Participants may discuss their experiences, sensations, or emotions that arose during the session.

🔸The facilitator might offer additional guidance or suggest ways to integrate the healing energy into daily life.

🔸These sessions will typically last between 45 minutes to an hour or more. You may expect one on one conversations with the Reiki Master.

🔸The frequency of these sessions can vary; some groups meet weekly, while others might offer monthly sessions or special events.

From Our Archives


As a fellow Reiki practitioner, I deeply appreciate Sanghamitra’s approach to Reiki. She is very intuitive and has a lot of wisdom to share.

My session with her was of the most energetically charged session that I have ever had. Recieving Reiki from her has also given me a lot of inspiration for my own practice. 🙌

Sanghamitra’s Reiki curriculum is also very thorough. A lot of thought, love and light has gone into the creation of her courses and I highly recommend her as a teacher.
As some who has studied Reiki as well, I can say with full confidence that Aarak has the best reiki courses in Rishikesh!! ✨


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